Current Breast Cancer Clinical Trials in Germany at a Glance

New drugs and therapy approaches to cancer are first used within the framework of clinical trials which are only offered at certain study centers. These are usually larger university clinics or cancer research centers – surely some are also located in your vicinity. The following therapy studies are currently being conducted in Germany.


HER2-positive breast cancer: 17 studies
Hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: 37 studies
Triple-negative breast cancer: 34 studies
Metastasized breast cancer: 36 studies

Current as of March 1, 2019, Source:

Interactive Map of Study Centers for Breast Cancer in Germany


Please note that study centers, which are currently recruiting patients, can only be shown if they have been directly sent to us by their sponsors or research institute or if they are listed in public databases. 

If you are the representative of a study center and wish to check if you are listed at iuvando as a recruiting center, please email us at We’ll be happy to call you back.